Bat Mitzvah is such a powerful and important time and
milestone in a Jewish girl's life, my aim is to really educate
the girls as-well as give the most positive and joyous experience.
This course promises to be fun, educational and inspiring.
The Bat Mitzvah Experience is through term 3. It only runs
through school time and not holidays.
Bat Mitzvah Club will run on a Wednesday evening from
7.00 - 8.15 pm in the Soul centre in Randwick.
(349 Avoca St Randwick)
Every lesson the girls will learn about a new Mitzvah or Jewish concept, we will then have a group discussion and have an activity, game or craft on that theme.
The girls will receive Bat Mitzvah diaries and will write a short summary of each lesson so that at the end the girls have a keepsake.
These are the topics we will explore:
Becoming a Bat Mitzva and its relevence, Neshama - our powerful jewish soul, The 3 magical Mitzvos of a Jewish Woman, Challa bake with the moms, Powerful Jewish women through the ages, Shabbos and Kosher - a deeper understanding, Charity - with dads, Abrahams tent Shabbos kit pack for patients in hospital, Modesty - the beauty of a jewish princess, Shavuos - What are we really celebrating?
The cost of the course is $250, this includes the 8 LESSONS + a mikva visit trip+ a mom and daughter challa bake + dad and daughter chessed pack.
Friday night dinner for all Bat Mitzva experience families.
Mikva trip for moms and daughters.